
Just to clear something up.

I mentioned comment spam in my last post. And while the comment in question was clearly comment spam, I have also recently been blessed with some comments that might not necessarily be spam. I have gotten a few comments like: “I like your blog. I have been reading it for a while. You should check out my site at…” And while I am fairly sure that these comments are spam, and have been deleted, I want it known that I will delete these types of comments anyway. If you want more links to your website please at least pretend to read the post you are commenting on, like “I agree with you, Mike Love should be shot.” Never forget that most blogs exist to serve the ego of the author, and this one is no different.


  1. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I like your blog. I have been reading it for a while. You should check out my lame-ass site at www.zunta.org/blog!

  2. Thanks Jeff, that means a lot. Also, you should go see Doctor Atomic. It is a new opera about the first nuclear tests, and it sounds interesting.
